Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Important verse of Srimad Bhagvadgita-4

vihaya kaman yah sarvan
pumams carati nihsprhah
nirmamo nirahankarah
sa santim adhigacchati....2:71


 A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of proprietorship and is devoid of false ego--he alone can attain real peace.

In reply to the Question,Who is qualified for this yoga which bestows such a great reward? Lord Krishna states the word yah vihaya whomsoever giving up. The use of the pronoun yah meaning who whosoever denotes that there are no restrictions regarding class, caste, education or qualification for engaging in this process of self-realization preceded by abandoning attachment to all sense objects. Abandoning fully all desires for things to obtain, desires present and desires approaching, experiencing those things only which come on their own accord. Free from attachment and hence free from egoism, devoid of feeling my-ness such as this is mine, when acquiring food, clothing, etc. and free from even the thirst of enjoyment. Being free as well from the feeling of I-ness towards the body and senses thinking that I am the physical body syndrome. Due to the firm knowledge about the eternal soul being distinctly different from all of these material designations, wherever and whatever such a one engages themselves they are always situated in a state of perfect peace. This state has to be realized, without realization its only reading text, one need to develop knowledge of understanding what the yoga is all about, its not merely breathing exercises it  is certainly understanding of self.

If some one gives up desires than there would be no progress or Ambition in life such question should come to mind isnt it?


  1. Oh idey u SD on tht day a slight difference between this concept and think and rich idea NA..about desires..
    May b desires shud just act as a tool to rise to higher end..
    Not to b attached or identified with itself???..
    Please clarify....

  2. Work hard with clarity, without Regret of the result..either way..When an archer shoots the target he knows the target very well, but when archer shoots for the target but he keep in mind the Gold medal, he is already attached to the gold medal he is -in the conflict state,What if i got the medal or what if i don't get the medal will he ever able to shoot the target? If archer focus on the target without distraction of anything with clarity, the chances of hitting target is more avuna kada? if not he wont regret so there is no sorrow or pain. But if he shoots for Gold medal he is desirous of medal sorrow will follow either way...!!!

  3. Adi true...do the work and dnt expect the results of it..nice ex of the archer....thank u...

  4. To have God's crown of love, we need to know the life without sensory perception. first of is there any life without senses? Think..!!!

  5. God is the first of all substances, the necessary first source of movement who is himself unmoved. God is a being with everlasting life, and perfect blessedness, engaged in never-ending contemplation.


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