Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Gate of the Year..!!!

Wisdom words on the eve of New year


And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:  “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.(perfect knowledge) That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.

* * * 

"Poverty and Prisons can bind you not,
you can't be free by means of lot,
By thought of bondage yourself you bind,
of course you are free when you free from the mind,
you are your master and servant ofcourse,
your are your bondage and freedom source,
the change of fate thus lies in you,
you can make it highest and lowest too,
The start of fate is ACTION and THOUGHT,
for making it better the POWER you have got.....
.................................Swami Premananda

* * *
The Lord is my strength , and my shield, 
My heart trusted in him and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth, 
and with my song will I Praise him,.....psalm 28:7

Save thy people and bless thine inheritance,
Feed them also and lift them up for ever...Psalm 29:9

* * *
 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you....
John 15:15 -

Wish you happy New year-2014

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Know how to prepare ourselves for the Path...

Its been Excellent talk by Swami Rama giving lots of insights how , why should we adopt meditation as part of our life. Swami Rama explains comprehensively and elaborated details of mind and its deviations, and the path to lead us to super -conscious state of mind wakefully. For better understanding listen and write down and re- read it again and again until we understand it fully.
He quoted the method from patanjali. The best way to understand great talks is to note down the questions arising out in mind while listening to them, and later on introspect them, as it is recording you can listen it number of times. I have enjoyed the talk, and make me feel to listen it again. wish you will also enjoy it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

अपने अंदर आग पैदा करो.....

प्रिय मित्र   , दीपावली की शुभकामनाये ,

हमारे अन्दर आग कहाँ है? एक व्यंक्ति  था जिसने  आग बनाने की कला को खोजा, वह अपने औजार लेकर कबीलों में गया   , जब कभी भी बहुत ठण्ड पढती थी , उसने बताया की आग कैसे जलाई जाती है , लोग बहुत उत्सुक हो कर उसको देखतेथे , उनको वह दिखा था की आग के उपयोग क्या क्या है, वो लोग  खाना पका सकते थे, अपने तो ठण्ड से बचा सकते थे, वगेरा वगेरा।। वोह लोग बहुत आभारी थे उसके क्यों की उसने उनको आग बना सिखाया।

पर इससे पहले की वह अपने बात उससे कह पते वह कही गायब होचुका था , उसको सम्मान नहीं चाहिए था न  उन लोगो का धन्यवाद् वोह सिर्फ उनलोग का कुशल क्षेम चाहता था।वह दोसरे कबीला जा चुकता , वहां पर भी वह अपने खोज को दिखाया और लोगो को जगरूप किया , वहां  भी लोग काफी प्रभावित हुए और लोग के बीच लोग्प्रियता काफी बड गयी थी  पर कुछ लोग थे जिनको खटकने लगा ,  वहां  के पण्डित  पुजारियों  से ज्यादा मशहूर होगया था ,तो उन्लोगोने निर्णय किया की उसको ज़हर देकर मार डालें और उन्होंने वही किया भी।

पर उनको थोडा भय होगया की लोग उनके खिलाफ न होजाये  ,उन्होंने एक ऐसा निर्णय लिया जिससे साँप भी मरगया और लाठी भी नहीं टूटी , क्या आप सौच सकते है क्या किया होगा? उन्होंने उसकी एक मूर्ति रख दी  और वहां के मंदिर के मुख्य वेदी पर रख दिया .जिन चीजों से वह आग बनाता उसको वहां पर रखदिये  गए , और लोगो को कहदिया गया की उसको सम्मान दे और पूजा करें।

इस तरह लोगों का हूजूम हजारों साल तक कर्त्तव्य निष्ठा से करने लगे।श्रद्धा और भक्ति चलती रही पर हजारो साल तक कोई आग नहीं थी  कहाँ है आग? कहाँ है प्रेम ? कहाँ है मुक्ति?

येही है  आध्यात्म !!! यह दुखद पूर्ण है की हमने अपनी परख खो दी , नहीं क्या ?येही सब गुरु है पर हम महत्त्व किसको देते है ,किसको रटने लगे है एक फोटो के सामने रटी रटायी बातें  करनेमे अपना सारा वक्त बिताते है ,आग कहा है? अगर  आपकी पूजा आग उत्पन्न नहीं करपा रही है, अगर आपकी श्रद्धा प्यार उत्पन्न नहीं करपा  रही है , आपकी  पूजा पद्धति आपको सत्य का  अनुभव नहीं करा रही है , अगर आप ईश्वर   उन्मुख नहीं हॉपरहे है  , तो यह धर्म किस काम का , यह भक्ति किस काम की ,यह तो और  बांट देगा , और कट्टरपन रूढ़िवादिता  लायेगा और बैर लायेगा ,   ऐसा नहीं है की अधर्म के कारण  सब जगह दुःख है ,  दुखी इसलिए है क्यों की प्यार का आभाव है, चैतन्यता का अभाव है और कोई  रास्ता है ही नहीं ....है ही नहीं।।

अगर हम समझ पाए की जो अवरुद्ध हम प्यार के ,मुक्ति और आनंद  के बीच में लारहे  है उनको निकाल  दे,फ़ेंक दे  तो उसी क्षण जीवन में चैतन्यता का दीपक जल उठेगा , और अँधेरा दूर भगाएगा,  होजायेगा। और तभी हम सही मायने में दीपावली मनाएंगे .

गुरूजी कहते है( पैजे १७ मेरे किये है भरम सब दूर ) प्यारे भाइयों और बहिनो हमें कुछ भी  बनना नहीं है क्यों कि कुछ बनना ही भ्रम पैदा करता है। इसलिए जैसे के तैसे रहो। पदार्थ पद में से बनकर मूल को भूल जाता है अर्थात निज स्वरुप को व्यवस्था  यदि किन्ही कारण  वश पदार्थ स्वरुप में आ भी जाये तोह सदगुरु क़ी शरण में जाकर निज स्वरुप को जानो ,जो नित्य अवं पूर्ण है। कहने का आशय यह है कि तुम भी पूर्ण सर्वशातिमान जगत हो , अंतर केवल पहचान का हैं।  

"The sadguru is Nirguna(sat-chit-anand)he has indeed taken human form to elevate mankind and raise the world.But his real nature(nirguna) is not destroyed there by even a bit. His beingness(or reality) divine power , and wisdom, remain undiminished."(page 13, mere kiye bharam sab door)

दीपावली कि शुभकामनाएँ

तुम्हारा   मित्र  और शुभ चिन्तक 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Seer Who Walks Alone

I found beautiful film from Films division which covers Jiddu Krishnamurti Life journey and his teachings.though his name is not new to us, but knowing him through a movie is a different experience.here it is...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Negative emotions destroy body mind and soul, Get rid of them as soon as possible

My Dear friend,

The Yearly Guru poornima was celebrated in much more dedicated way and more knowledge has been spread to the common man.I was going through the book which been printed this year and found certain lines which always believed that there is serious correlation between Illness and emotions. Mentor quotes few lines from Norman Vincent peale's book. "The Power of positive Thinking"( I recommend you to buy and make notes of it and go through the each line)  You know, it really makes sense.  Health does link up with stress, as we read in Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's book The Power of Positive Thinking (see forum if you want to read more of the book review / discussion Review of all chapters is here
 ) On p. 152 it was written that

1)"1/3 of all cases of illness in general hospitals are clearly organic in nature and onset, 

2) one third are a combination of emotional and organic,

3)  and one third are clearly emotional"

 4) and that long-held hatred can cause damage to a body to lower resistance and physical deterioration and that grudges ill will and resentment can cause poor health.  "Many people suffer poor health not because of what they eat but from what is eating them. Emotional ills turn in upon yourself, sapping your energy, reducing your efficiency, causing deterioration in your health. And of course they siphon off your happiness", p. 154. So... resentment, fear, anxiety are the culprits and illustrates "the profound effect of mental pain on physical conditions" (p. 155). Dr. Peale even went on to note how recurring colds can even be traced to being angry or feelings of insecurity.Review of all chapters is here

5) Chemical reactions in the body are set up by emotional outburst that result in feeling of ill heath.

6) Long held hatred did his body such damage.

7) Honestly ask yourself if you are harboring any ill will or resentment in grudges and if so cast these out get rid of them without delay.

8) It is necessary to state emphatically that emotional and feelings are quite as real as germs and no less respectable

9) That the bad temper was at the Root of one's chronic cold symptoms (Norman Vincent Peale)

Apart from quoting these lines he describes very important point here that काम,(Lust)  क्रोध (Anger), मद (individual ego),लोभ (Greed) ,मोह (Attachment) these elements are ready to topple this body all times.In addition to these घ्रणा, जलन(fury) , नफरत(hatred) , ईर्ष्या (jealous) will add on Elements which destroys this body. But most important things he explains here that This above mentioned Elements only can attack only if भावना और संवेदना मिल जाते है तो ही (emotion and sense feelings combined together only do the destruction not without it).

He explains further that , when such emotions constantly battle in the heart without en routing them out, they bring chemical changes which results in crippled mind, diseased body.Therefore he concludes that we shouldn't stay with such kind of negative emotions for long and find a way to take it out as soon as possible.

He also suggest the ways out to dispose of these kind of emotions further, which could be very fruitful if know them thoroughly and implement in our life.

In the end Mentor concludes with beautiful parable.

" let Go and Let God"

As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend. I brought my broken dreams to God because he is my friend.But then instead of leaving him in peace to work alone. I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried " How can you be so Slow!
 O My child, He said what could i do? You never did let go

Thursday, July 18, 2013

वह हमसे कताई दूर नहीं है.

My Dear friend,
This year Guru poornima is approaching in few days, so thought to pen down my salutation to revered Guru, who show us the path of light always, and keep his blessings on us, to provide more strength to face the hurdles on the path of success.

श्री गुरुस्तोत्रम्

Orginally this translation is published here, Excerpts from greenmesg.org,  Translation of shri Guru strotram, may all the credit goes to them. Visit link for complete strotram and meaning

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah |
Gurure[-I]va Param Brahma Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah ||

1.1: The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
1.2: The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru

अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Akhanndda-Mannddala-Akaaram Vyaaptam Yena Cara-Acaram |
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah

2.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Whose Form is an Indivisible Whole of Presence, and By Whom is Pervaded the Moving and the Non-Moving Beings,
2.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of Indivisible Presence); Salutations to that Guru.

अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशालाकया ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Ajnyaana-Timira-Andhasya Jnyaana-[Aa]n.jana-Shaalaakayaa |
Cakssur-Unmiilitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah 

3.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who Removes the Darkness of Ignorance from our Blind (Inner) Eyes by applying the Collyrium of the Light of Knowledge.
3.2: By Whom our (Inner) Eyes are Opened; Salutations to that Guru.

चिद्रूपेण परिव्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Cid[t]-Rupenna Pari-Vyaaptam Trai-Lokyam Sa-Cara-Acaram |
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah 

5.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Whose Form is that of Consciousness Pervading all the Moving and the Non-Moving beings of the Three Worlds,
5.2: By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of Conscious All-Pervasive Presence); Salutations to that Guru.

चैतन्यः शाश्वतः शान्तो व्योमातीतोनिरञ्जनः ।
बिन्दूनादकलातीतस्तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Caitanyah Shaashvatah Shaanto Vyoma-Atiito-Niran.janah |
Binduu-Naada-Kala-[A]atiitas-Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah 

7.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who is the Eternally Tranquil Consciousness, Spotless and Pure, and Beyond the Ether,
7.2: Who is Beyond the Bindu, Nada and Kala; Salutations to that Guru.

अनेकजन्मसम्प्राप्तकर्मेन्धनविदाहिने ।
आत्मञ्जानाग्निदानेन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Aneka-Janma-Sampraapta-Karme[a-I]ndhana-Vidaahine |
Aatma-N.jaana-Agni-Daanena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah 
9.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Who Burns away the Fuel of Karma (results of works impressed on the mind) Accumulated over Many Births,
9.2: By Giving (Kindling) the Fire of Self-Knowledge; Salutations to that Guru.

न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः ।
तत्त्वज्ञानात् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः 
Na Guror-Adhikam Tattvam Na Guror-Adhikam Tapah |
Tattva-Jnyaanaat Param Naasti Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah 

11.1: (Salutations to the Guru) Neither is there any Reality Beyond the Guru, Nor is there any Austerity Higher than the Guru,
11.2: There is no Knowledge of Truth beyond what comes From the Guru; Salutations to that Guru.

ब्रह्मानन्दं परमसुखदं केवलं ज्ञानमूर्तिम्
द्वन्द्वातीतं गगनसदृशं तत्त्वमस्यादिलक्ष्यम् ।
एकं नित्यं विमलमचलं सर्वधीसाक्षीभूतम्
भावातीतं त्रिगुणरहितं सद्गुरुंतं नमामि 

Brahma-[A]anandam Parama-Sukhadam Kevalam Jnyaana-Muurtim
Dvandva-Atiitam Gagana-Sadrsham Tat-Tvam-Asy[i]-Aadi-Lakssyam |
Ekam Nityam Vimalam-Acalam Sarva-Dhii-Saakssii-Bhuutam
Bhaava-Atiitam Tri-Gunna-Rahitam Sad-Gurum-Tam Namaami 

14.1: (Salutations to the Sad-Guru) Who is the Bliss of Brahman, Who is the Bestower of Supreme Joy, Who is the Absolute, Who is the Embodiment of Knowledge,
14.2: Who is Beyond Duality, Who is Boundless and Infinite Like the Sky, Who is Indicated by Maha Vakyas Like Tat-Tvam-Asi (That-Thou-Art).
14.3: Who is One without the Second, Who is Eternal, Who is Stainless and Pure, Who is Immovable, Who is the Witness of the Intelligence of All Beings,
14.4: Who is Beyond the States of the Mind, Who is Free from the Three Gunas; Salutations to that Sad-Guru.

नमस्ते परम ब्रह्म नमस्ते परमात्मने | 
निर्गुणाय नमस्तुभ्यं सद्रूपय नमो नमः || 

वास्तव में अनेक जन्मों के  पुण्य कर्म ही है जो दिव्य  सत्संग और सतगुरु का संग करनेका  अवसर मिलरहा  है,  संतो का कहना है की ,अनेक जन्मो के संचित कर्मो  का विनाश  होजाता है, अगर हमे  सतगुरु के दर्शन प्राप्त कर सके .
हमारे  सौभाग्य है की उनका अनुग्रह प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष हमें प्राप्त हो रही .है. 
Flower of life, ज्ञात से अज्ञात ,  में उन्होंने लिखा है की , परमेश्वर कहीं दूर या अज्ञात नहीं है , अपितु हमारे अंग संग के साथी है, यह सत्य है की परमेश्वर का मिलना   आसानी से प्राप्त नहीं होपाता   पर अस्संभव भी  नहीं है , अपने तर्क और विग्यता  से प्रमाणित भी करते है , विभिन्न काल और प्रदेषो के  महापुरुषों  के अनुभव ; ईश्वर के दर्शन होने पर उनकी स्थिती  एक सामान ही है . 

और एक प्रश्न भी करते है ,की क्यों गणि का(prostitute)  और दूसरो पर अधिकार(Tax gatherers) ज़माने वाले अधिकारी  भी स्वर्ग पहुँच रहे,है, पर हम नहीं?

जब की कृष्ण , ईसू ,मोह्माद , गुरु नानक ,कबीर, रविदास ,स्वामी दयानंद ,तुकाराम, गाँधी और बाबाजी जैसे लोग येहां पर आये और हमको सच्चा  मार्ग भी बताया फिर भी हम वाही के वहीँ है. 

आगे जिज्ञासा शांत करते हुए उन्होंने बताया की हमने उनपर सच्चा विशवास कभी किया ही नहीं  और लगातार उनकी अवहेलना करते चले गये. परिणाम स्वरुप यह हुआ की हमारे अन्दर नफ़रत घर कर गयी . नफरत का जहर हमारे शरीर मन और आत्मा को नष्ट करदिया .
शांति और सौहाद्रपूर्ण वातावरण चाहते है तो अपने जीवन में तो नफरत विष घोलना बंद करदें , और आपस में  मिठे शब्दों उच्छारण कर आपस में प्रेम में, एक दुसरे के साथ प्रेम में  रहें क्यों की परमेश्वर हमारे अंग-संग के साथ है हमशा . गुरु नानक जी कहते है 
"साँच काहूँ प्रभू जिन प्रेम कियो 
तिन ही प्रभू पायो "

वह हमसे कताई दूर नहीं है. 


गुरु के शब्द में हरदम सुरत  को जो लगाता है 
कभी चक्कर चौरासी में नहीं इंसान आता है ॥ 

यह कहना आरिफों का है,फैसला भी यह ग्रंथो का ,
कभी सेवक वह सतगुरु का,न यम के हाथ जाता है ॥ 

गुरु सेवा गुरु भक्ति, ही है यह नित्य कर्म जिसका,
सदा रत इन ही कर्मो में न गुरुमुख जी चुराता है ॥ 

निरंतर लगन से जपता ,स्वंसों में नाम की माला ,
वह दुर्लभ जन्म मानुष की, कदर कीमत बढ़ता है ॥ 

दास  मन को रूचि जिसके हिदायत जो महापुरुषों की ,
नफस परस्ती के धंधो में , न हीरा तन लुटाता है ॥ 

अब हमें विचार करना है, की जब वह दूर नहीं है तो अपने परिवार में हार्मोनी(harmony) क्यों नहीं है. येहाँ  पर गौतम बुद्धा की बात याद आती है , की 

"A Family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden, But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden".

एक परिवार वोह स्थान है जहां पर विभिन्न मन ( विचार) आपस में टकराते है , अगर उन विचारों में आपस में प्रेम जो जाए तो वह एक सुन्दर बगिया  सा प्रतीत होता है , पर इन विभिन्न मनो में हार्मोनी बिगड़ जाये तो वो एक तूफ़ान की तरह है जो इस बगिया को तेहस -नेहस  करदेता है।

कितनी सुन्दर बात बुद्ध ने बताई है , संतो ने येही बताया है की आपस में मैल बढाओ , मिलजुल कर रहो .

ऋग्वेद की आखरी ऋचा पाठ से अपनी बात समाप्त करता हूँ .

The last Sukta of Rigveda (10.191) summarizes the whole essence of what humans should do to imbibe the Vedas. The entire Vedas have to be understood in context of this Sukta which emphasizes on the most differentiating trait of human beings – unity – in purpose, method and approach. Here is a summary list of the dictates of Vedic religion in this Sukta: Rigveda 10.191.2

Sangchadhvam samvaddhvam sam vo manaansi jaantaam
Devaa bhaagam yathaa purve samjaanaanaa upaasate
- Rig Veda 10.191.2

“Move together, speak together, Let your minds be in unison.”May your thoughts be common, the place of assembly common: common the minds, and hearts of all united, a common purpose and common provisions"

Samaano mantrah samitih samaani, Samaanam manah saha chittmeshaam
Samaanam mantramabhi mantraye vah, Samaanena vo havisha juhomi -RigVeda10.191.3

samaani va aakutih samaanaa hridlyaani vah
samaanamastu vo  mano yathaa vah su sahaasti - Rigveda 10.191.4

The supreme Lord ordains: Let your way of thinking be the same, Let your minds be of one accord, Let your resolutions be the same, Let the commonness of your thoughts bring the co-operation of the highest order.  So those all attain the same goals and have peace and prosperity.

another translation could be like this : -

- walk together in the path of truth without bias, injustice and intolerance
- talk to each other to enhance knowledge, wisdom and affection without malice and hatred
- keep working together to enhance knowledge and bliss
- follow the path of truth and selflessness as exemplified by noble people
Rigveda 10.191.3
- Your analysis of right and wrong should be unbiased and not specific to particular set of people
- You should organize together to help everyone enhance their health, knowledge and prosperity
- Your minds should be devoid of hatred and should see progress and happiness of all as one’s own progress and happiness and you should only act for enhancement of happiness of all based on truth
- Work together to eradicate falsehood and discover truth
- Never ever deviate from path of truth and unity

Rigveda 10.191.4
- Your efforts should be full of enthusiasm and for bliss of everyone
- Your emotions should be for one and all and love everyone the way you love yourself
- Your desire, resolve, analysis, faith, abstinence, patience, keenness, focus, comfort etc all should be towards truth and bliss for all, and away from falsehood.
- Keep working in synergy to increase each others’ knowledge and bliss.

हरी ओम तत्सत 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Book of revelations...

This is beautifully made movie , concepts of spirituality, struggle undergone by  warriors of light, faith, grace of God, perseverance  of Righteousness, win of Righteousness over wickedness...May God bless every one.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Guru ashtakam
By sankarachara

and Guru paduka strotram

Beautifully made video with dedication to great souls....

Guru paduka( Guru charan or lotus feet ante Guru's word) strotram

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gurus parsaad - Guru amrit vaniyan..

Today it felt  to hear guru vani and the first in my life hear ed it completely , whosoever listen them, would sure soothe him,grace would follow completely, am feeling revered .

Thursday, April 11, 2013

LETTING GO....Teaching by Ajahn Sumedho

On this auspicious day of ugadi, we learn some thing important for our life, the root cause of Suffering and how to get rid of them, through his highness Ajahn Sumedho. Buddha told 4 noble truths

The Four Noble Truths contain the essence of the Buddha's teachings. It was these four principles that the Buddha came to understand during his meditation under the bodhi tree.
1.The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
2.The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya)
3.The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)
4.The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)

 In the first two Noble Truths he diagnosed the problem (suffering) and identified its cause. The third Noble Truth is the realisation that there is a cure.
The fourth Noble Truth, in which the Buddha set out the Eightfold Path, is the prescription, the way to achieve a release from suffering.

let us learn today about the let go mantra from Ajahn Sumedo...
 Teaching by Ajahn Sumedho

If we contemplate desires and listen to them, we are actually no longer attaching to them; we are just allowing them to be the way they are. Then we come to the realisation that the origin of suffering, desire, can be laid aside and let go of.
How do you let go of things? This means you leave them as they are; it does not mean you annihilate them or throw them away. It is more like setting down and letting them be. Through the practice of letting go we realise that there is the origin of suffering, which is the attachment to desire, and we realise that we should let go of these three kinds of desire. Then we realise that we have let go of these desires; there is no longer any attachment to them.
When you find yourself attached, remember that ‘letting go’ is not ‘getting rid of’ or ‘throwing away’. If I’m holding onto this clock and you say, ‘Let go of it!’, that doesn’t mean ‘throw it out’. I might think that I have to throw it away because I’m attached to it, but that would just be the desire to get rid of it. We tend to think that getting rid of the object is a way of getting rid of attachment. But if I can contemplate attachment, this grasping of the clock, I realise that there is no point in getting rid of it - it’s a good clock; it keeps good time and is not heavy to carry around. The clock is not the problem. The problem is grasping the clock. So what do I do? Let it go, lay it aside - put it down gently without any kind of aversion. Then I can pick it up again, see what time it is and lay it aside when necessary.
You can apply this insight into ‘letting go’ to the desire for sense pleasures. Maybe you want to have a lot of fun. How would you lay aside that desire without any aversion? Simply recognise the desire without judging it. You can contemplate wanting to get rid of it - because you feel guilty about having such a foolish desire - but just lay it aside. Then, when you see it as it is, recognising that it’s just desire, you are no longer attached to it.
So the way is always working with the moments of daily life. When you are feeling depressed and negative, just the moment that you refuse to indulge in that feeling is an enlightenment experience. When you see that, you need not sink into the sea of depression and despair and wallow in it. You can actually stop by learning not to give things a second thought.
You have to find this out through practice so that you will know for yourself how to let go of the origin of suffering. Can you let go of desire by wanting to let go of it? What is it that is really letting go in a given moment? You have to contemplate the experience of letting go and really examine and investigate until the insight comes. Keep with it until that insight comes: ‘Ah, letting go, yes, now I understand. Desire is being let go of.’ This does not mean that you are going to let go of desire forever but, at that one moment, you actually have let go and you have done it in full conscious awareness. There is an insight then. This is what we call insight knowledge. In Pali, we call it nanadassana or profound understanding.
I had my first insight into letting go in my first year of meditation. I figured out intellectually that you had to let go of everything and then I thought: ‘How do you let go?’ It seemed impossible to let go of anything. I kept on contemplating: ‘How do you let go?’ Then I would say, ‘You let go by letting go.’ ‘Well then, let go!’ Then I would say:
‘But have I let go yet?’ and, ‘How do you let go?’ ‘Well just let go!’ I went on like that, getting more frustrated. But eventually it became obvious what was happening. If you try to analyse letting go in detail, you get caught up in making it very complicated. It was not something that you could figure out in words any more, but something you actually did. So I just let go for a moment, just like that.
Now with personal problems and obsessions, to let go of them is just that much. It is not a matter of analysing and endlessly making more of a problem about them, but of practising that state of leaving things alone, letting go of them. At first, you let go but then you pick them up again because the habit of grasping is so strong. But at least you have the idea. Even when I had that insight into letting go, I let go for a moment but then I started grasping by thinking: ‘I can’t do it, I have so many bad habits!’ But don’t trust that kind of nagging, disparaging thing in yourself. It is totally untrustworthy. It is just a matter of practising letting go. The more you begin to see how to do it, then the more you are able to sustain the state of non-attachment.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Keep your critic close to you..

 निन्दक नियरे राखिये, आंगन कुटी छवाय,
 बिन पानी-साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुभाय।।

 (कबीर )

Nindak niyare rakhiye, Angan kuti chawai,
Bin pani sabun bina, nirmal kare subhaiy...(kabir)


Keep your critic close to you;  shelter him in your courtyard 
As without water and soap he cleanses and purifies your character.

To My understanding

The biggest lesson learned in 2011 is from this doha of Sant kabir, which says that keep the person near to you who criticise you always, there cant be best thing than this, I was running away from my self, my faults, my despair, my weakness, and My critic was at my home, my courtyard, yet i was not able to realize, How the critic can help you in identifying ourselves.
Instead you begin to hate the person who criticised us. Result; we are unable to see us.

Seeing ourselves, Probing our mind, Introspecting us, is most difficult task, as we are surrounded by our core belief, which is our character, Any one who fit into our character is our friend, any one who doesn't suite to our core belief becomes enemy. Its like a person who is working with garbage vehicle cannot detect the foul smell on his own , or we can say he don't feel filth , because he accepted it , hence become part of his core character, or another a person who is working in a mortuary may not have definition of dead body, or foul smell he wont react to situation like any other person. Similarly ; is our mind which has accepted our core belief as me, as person and continue to believe them and we are very happy at our habits not able to detect that which habit has become addictions and become foul smell , and we are unable to define them nor detect them, hence we are non reactive to those habits , But whereas other can easily hint us, poke us, advice us , hey look this is filthy change yourself, but we cry foul that's me, if you want to accept , accept or get lost, this is me..

The Day as saint kabir said we accept the critic, who normally very close to us, around us among the family members or close friends, show us there is some trouble with our habits, What we need to do is to pay attention to those thoughts which were told about us, even they been shared in lighter manner, pay attention to them, observe the thought of them , observe what made them to say a view about you, what make them see which you cant able see yourself, there must be something in us, which has become habit( addiction) which we are continue to love become untraceable to us, they easily seeing it, probe it, most of the time you find there is some thing which was going on below this shallow nature of us.
There can be argument that if keep on listen to each and every person we can never grow, we will lose our self identity or esteem.So it should not be understood like we are listen to their thoughts, we are actually Probing our mind, what made them to think like that.

Without any effort(without soap and water or other tools) we can  get cleanse our image, our character, our core wrong beliefs which were formed due to past conscious experiences, which cannot be the reality any more, so there is no use of those beliefs to find the truth.

Hence Befriend with critic and accept them. It can only happen when you start LOVING THEM.
That's how my life begin to change , i accepted and started loving them, after all they are saying about me good or bad what ever, ITS ABOUT ME.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

100 jewels of life

100 Jewels of life
Compilation (Flower of Life book)..

गुरुब्रह्म  गुरूविष्णु : गुरूदेवो महेश्वर :
गुरुवे परम  ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः || 

अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानांजन शलाकया 
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन  तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः || 

एकं नित्यं विमलाचालम सर्वधीसाक्षिभूतं 
भावातीतं त्रिगुण रहितम सद्गुरुम ताम नमामि || 

नमस्ते परमं ब्रह्म नमस्ते परमात्मने । 
निर्गुणाय नमस्तुभ्यं सद्रूपाया नमो नमः || 

सत्संगत्वे निस्संगत्वं निसंगत्वे निर्मोहात्वं । 
निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलत्वं निश्चाल्त्वे जीवनमुक्ति ॥  

1. No matter to what depths of vice and misery you have sunk, no matter how profligate you have grown, she has not turned you out of her heart. Perhaps she loves you all the more because you are wayward. She would draw you back by the bands of a love that never dies - that's a mother's love.

2. God is to be praised by every one through prayers; As such there is no barrier between God and Man.

3. You may be professing religion, but I would not give much for your religion unless it gets into your life and teaches you, how to live? I would not give a snap of my finger for a religion that does not begin at home and regulate you conducts towards your parent.

4. The God knowing man becomes free from cruel hands of death and also from the circle of re-rebirth as he knows what he worships other do not know what they worship.

5. Happy life means to reach the height of perfection by developing total personality; one may be useful to the nation and can serve the purpose of God.

6. This world might have given birth to a great men, but not great humanity, what it is? It is an idea consisting Forgiveness, sympathy and understanding.

7. There are only three kinds of persons , those who serve God 1) having found him 2) other who are occupied in seeking him 3) Not having found him while reminder live without seeking him and without having found him.

8. Love is ever green, love enters everywhere, as it is union of heart and also a communion of souls, Love is no love that alters when alteration is found.

9. The education is not mere schooling or preparation for examination it is a process of developing the total personality of a child for its mental, physical and social growth, so that a useful citizen may render a greater service to Nation.

10. When words come out with sweetness and joy at heart, neither disturbs the nervous system nor to any other whosoever listenth it.

11. All of us are being descendants of one God, are worthy to praise and also worthy to worship God, irrespective of any division of society in caste and religion.

12. If you want to have peaceful life than you better understand the fear of Lord (guru), fear of elders (parents) and stand by it, out of lord’s Mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

13. A man is educated only if he has Mobility (act), Ability (wisdom), Nobility (Assimilation of ideas-direction)

14. One should never waste power of the voice by Doldrums.

15. To achieve goodness you have to Forgive Men, their trespasses so that heavenly Father will also forgive you.

16. The integration of Family could only be possible when the family members are in habit to run their family by creation a Good and healthy environment.

17. No one ever cares the Importance of speech; unknowingly they decrease one’s immortal strength within the body, as well as the power of nervous system and often reach nearer to the death.

18. If anybody wishes to have Salvation and blessings he must adopt the likewise nature (to bear sufferings) and worship God in spirit and in truth.

19. Each individual an ant, bee or wasp seems to be born with its behavior which is intrinsic that act is governed by environment.

20. The other worldly powers can affect you outer portion of the body and not the inward, but the hatred , jealousy and suspicion can destroy inward as well as outward.

21. It is only the word that controls the body with in and the outer universe too.

22. A man having no biophysical need, can only have The Right of priesthood.

23. What is this “I”, this I does not have hands and feel, But this “I “has content, Sat sang, Beauty. The union of three is what I call “I”, union of soul and spirit.

24. One must be a Man of thoughts not a“thoughtless man”.

25. There is nothing that love cannot face, there is no limit of its faith, its hope and its endurance, Love will never come to an end.

26. It is only pleasant words that give life, peace and satisfaction.

27. To lead happy and harmonious life in this physical and material world one should try to be away from venom of hatredness.

28.  Sat sang means one should have the communion with truth and truth makes him free.

29. To build a life we need 1) sex 2) property and 3) Religion, by first we create another life, by second we protect it and by third we prosper.

30. All human beings are having one life, one breathing power, called Pran-The self consciousness, self blessed, imperishable and immortal.

31. Young Man and young woman! How do you treat your parents tell that, I will tell you how you are going to get on in life.

32. Loss of stamina and health, full of anxiety and worry is because of keeping oneself indulged in satisfying the vain desires.

33. How to speak? 1) limited, let you finish your job 2) proud less 3) Righteous 4) devoid of Meanness 5) Right speech and pre-edited 6) Proficient 7) Fluent and to the point 8) Pleasant and sweet.

34. A misdirected mind is like a Man talks about food but never eat- stay satisfied, for he will raise dust by himself and complain, I can’t see, this blindness lead to spend money and energy to waste, not on true bread.

35. According to me the word – understands; comprises of two words, under-stand, means beneath .One should stand under Righteous man for knowledge, which leads to happy life.

36. One should earn daily lively hood according to ability.

37. Young man, if your parents are still living treat them kindly, all you can to make their dwindling years sweet and happy?.

38. A man or woman who dishonors Father and mother is ever prosperous?.

39. Sympathy; sym- same, pathy- means treatment, give such a treatment to a man as you want to be treated by others.

40. The integration of a Man is to be measured by their conduct not by their profession.

41. To have " a Way of peace" one has to know the use of Righteousness in his speech.

42. Love keeps no scores of wrong and does not gloat over the sins of others but delight in the Truth.

43. When wisdom enters into our heart knowledge is pleasant to your soul.

44. Truth never dies and it remains always as it is.

45. To perform a right speech it becomes necessary to have the Righteousness in thoughts.

46. The good deeds are Possible only by freaking his self (outsell) to serve others.

47. Any man who seeks honor and Esteem of the world and doesn't treat your parents in Right way - sure to be disappointed.

48. To perform a Right speech it becomes necessary to have the righteousness in the thoughts.

50. NO one Ever cares the importance of Speech unknowingly they decrease one's Immortal.

51. Don't Allow " Proudness" in the way of Peace.

52. Love trains our mind with a thought to give should be the pleasure and to take should be the SHAME.

53. The one who always praises himself will become rotten apple and injure his companion.

54. Love cultivates good habit for development of total personality of a man by adding beauty- Life, strength, character and perfection to his life.

55 . A) When inner man is released the person will have immediately  blessing from The God , while releasing  the inner man, Obstacles /difficulties come in the way. are not of other but to his self.

     B) And he will realize that his outward man and his inner man are not having any harmony, for both of them have tendered to go in different directions.

56.The discretion shall preserve you but the understanding shall keep you so get wisdom yet understanding forget it not ,neither decline the world of elders, nor of meritorious mouth.

57. All different races act in one and the same manner to satisfy their biological urges and put their performances to an end by doing the act in the same manner .Thus all beings are effected by their  former act and behavior.

58. The education which is bookish or biblical knowledge that may help in earning of daily lively hood and satisfies all Bio-physical needs but not develop the higher consciousnesses,is waste of time. 

59. How many young ladies have married against their parents wishes and made their own life better? I never knew one case that didn't turn out to badly invariably bring ruins upon themselves, unless they re-part.

60. Who ever has found and understood this self that has entered and patched together hiding place, he indeed is the creator, he is the maker of everything, he is the world and he is the world itself.

61. The contended life brings happiness.

62.  We are not here to play, to dream, to drift, we have hard work to do, and load to lift, shun not to struggle, face it It is God's gift!.

63. But if there is no righteousness  in his thoughts he doesn't not seek after God, for his throat is an open Grave yard.

64 . Let your bearing toward one another arise at your life in Guru. He made himself nothing, assuming the nature of a slave.

65. Be strong!, say not the days are evil-Who's to blame?,
and fold the hands and acquiesce- O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, In God's name!

66. There is No mediator in between God and Man nor has been ever created by God.

67. One may speak tongues of Man or language of angels - If he is without Love - he is sound Gong.

68. There is never a Bad man who had an ability for Good service  without  Love.

69. If you are able to pre edit your thoughts before talking,you will get respect from every where and never face  any type of disrespect.

70. There must be an idea and zeal in the mind to form an ideal family by achieving perfection.

71. To serve humanity one requires a rich heart and also Richness of Love, without rich heart - "THE MONEY IS AN UGLY BEGGAR".

72. "Righteousness makes a man perfect to rule over the world".

73. They who seek God and it might be, Touch and find him though indeed . He is not far from each one of us. For in him, we live and move in HIM we exist, spirit is neither made nor created , or begotten but proceeding.

74. The performance of those who possess virtue raises up to the God's as the highest .

75. knowledge is no sure of merit but only a probability of such. It is an accident and not a property of any particular man.

76. Lust destroys true freedom and individualism , brotherhood peace and Love. It promises many things but provides caricature of them. Above all it has no hope.

77. The idea of caste (superiority or inferiority) is nothing but an attempt to divide societies by shrewd and intelligent mind to their dominion over the weak and illiterates  only for their selfish ends.

78. They who know Truth in truth and untruth in untruth arrive at truth and follow true desires.

79. You  also have Love in you, it is hidden in the Flick of the Heart and lets set it free to come out.

80. Always remember this,The speech should be Proficient with the time, situation and the condition while speaking.

81. One son can offer his prayer at common place at other one is not allowed to do so on the same dais? Is he not the son of that same father? what is the dispensation of God (creator of all).

82. The Man is born free but every where he finds himself in chain, The chain of vain desires?

83. Maha purushas come in this world to enlighten nations, so that people know the The True path, to achieve their goals. Bring us out of darkness, destruction and also from disintegrated society.

84. If one's body is pure and clean, one is next to God, it not only protects body from various types of diseases but keep man good and healthy  and sound.

85. If one is after lust and does not give importance to love in his life is below nature and his life will be disintegrated and full of misery.

86.The flowers live by the tears that fall, From the sad face of the skies,
And life would have no Joys at all, were there no watery eyes,
Love thy sorrow, grief shall bring, its own excuse in after years, The rainbow!
see how fair a thing, God hath built up from tears.

87. For satisfaction of one's own mind ; follows unlimited vain desires, he follows so many blunders and does evil in his life, that put his life to death.

88.To keep our society strong , we should follow the correct and right path, Value the mahapurushas word, traditions and principles.

89. The Seeing of Eternal light during the meditation is not within the control of Man neither within the reach of one's knowledge, nor can be acquired by shouting whole of the life, But by the Grace of God and clear heart with Total surrender.

90. Be perfect, Be good comfort, Be of one mind, love in peace,
And God of love and peace shall be with you, Greet one another with love,
All the saints salute you. (Nand das ji saheb)

91. "All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousand of times. To make them truly ours we must think them over again and again , honestly until they take root in our experiences".

92. Be strong! it matters not how deep entrenched the wrong, How hard the battle goes, the day how long, Faint not, fight on!

93 .The disturbances in the families or in the society  is only because of lust that may be of any kind, it is true that it may give you the material aspect of life but not the Peaceful life.

94. Unreasonable  fears and worries not only harm us physically but also lower our efficiency and ability to deal with the life's problem. They only diminish our self confidence, Unhealthy fear and worries disturb our sleep, interfere with our digestion and confuse our intellect. unhealthy fear either can prevent us from ever starting to solve our problems or else bring our efforts to dead -  stop.

95. When fear and worry overtake us, we must first think calmly about the real causes of such fears and worries. If we must find solutions for them, and it one is unable to find any solution, then the only course left to us is to pray. The Almighty prayer for relief and guidance. Faith in God will certainly carry us through a Prayer, this is a strongest weapon for solving these problems and thought for solutions will  be then certainly flash in mind.

96. Cycle runs on its cyclic way,Turning day into night and night into day,The man who understands  the function of its  Well 
can ... easily surpass   ,  The boundary of its spell.

97.The spirit is spread over all like the sky, it is not born, nor does it die, God himself is over all, having no shape. the he is like  sky and the same appear in all beings.

98. The spirit has Omnipresence - Spirit is God- god is Spirit which is given various names in different states. They are Vaiswanar (all illuminating) or light of  consciousness, Tejas (all sustaining life ), Pragya- As subjective warmth of life in all living organism and Turya (as the self in all the hearts.

99. Try to see God through the service of HUMANITY.

100.  Friendship is a chain of Gold, shaped in Gods full perfection mould,
 Each link a smile, a laugh, a tear,  A grip of and a word of fear,
Steadfast as the years roll, Binding soul to soul, No matter how far heavy load,
 A sweet journey of friendship road.

ॐ तत्सत