Thursday, May 31, 2012

Srimad Bhagvad gita verse which changed my orientation of life...

शरीरं यदवाप्नोति यच्चाप्युत्क्रामतीश्वरः। 
गृहित्वैतानि संयाति वायुर्गन्धानिवाशयात्॥१५- ८

जैसे वायु गन्ध को ग्रहण कर एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाता है, उसी प्रकार आत्मा इन इन्द्रियों को ग्रहण कर जिस भी शरीर को प्राप्त करता है वहां ले जाता है।

The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas.

  When the Lord takes up this body (he brings in with him the mind and the senses) and in his going forth too (casting away the body) he goes taking them as the wind takes the perfumes from a vase. (sri aurobindo)

 Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another.When and how the mind and senses accompany the jiva or embodied being in the process of transmigration from one body at the time of death to another at the time of conception is clarified by Lord Krishna. The purport is that wherever the jiva departs from a body and whenever it is compelled to accept another body the atma or immortal soul migrating from one body to another, arrives with the subtle forms of the mind and senses in tact to perform their functions through the physical body which has been allotted due to karma or reactions to previous actions. The Supreme Lord clarifies this with the analogy of the wind carrying the scents of flowers to various locations...........1(Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya Kesava Kashmiri)

Here the living entity is described as isvara, the controller of his own body. If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes he can move to a lower class. Minute independence is there. The change his body undergoes depends upon him. At the time of death, the consciousness he has created will carry him on to the next type of body. If he has made his consciousness like that of a cat or dog, he is sure to change to a cat's or dog's body. And, if he has fixed his consciousness on godly consciousness,It is a false claim that after the annihilation of this body everything is finished. The individual soul is transmigrating from one body to another, and his present body and present activities are the background of his next body. One gets a different body according to karma, and he has to quit this body in due course. It is stated here that the subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another body in the next life. This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karsati or struggle for existence...........2(Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada )

Exactly fifteen months back, my life was like a wooden log drifting on top of the river , After changing my location to this city,  away from my mentor gradually slipped to such a state of mind where I was unaware of myself and the life was like a drifting log, there was no clarity about what i was doing, just floating with the life pace, it was like caught in the midst of a whirl pool. One day i met a character named Archie(name changed), this person make me woke up again , gradually brought back to  the  same wakeful state which was there when i was living with my mentor. While talking to this person there was inner divine call to read Srimad Bhagvad gita, though i was reading it before as on random basis, but i never read it in a stretch or continuously.This time took oath to read it in full and continues.

As the chapters progressed my interest in the gita also increased, as if some thing from within guiding me to understand, the understanding which were alien to me before, started to revealing itself.
Until finally my deep attachment  got broken once i read above verse.As per my oath i have completed the reading of gita but from inside i got struck up here.

On careful reading of the verse there is an understanding developed in me that
The mind and senses accompany the jiva or embodied body, this line was eye opener for me, This can also be understand like what ever i am today, my present life is  the same or the sum total of all my previous birth's, subtle forms of the mind and senses intact to perform their functions through the physical body which has been allotted due to karma or reactions to previous actions. They were not destroyed  that simply means I remain the same  person with same mind , same attitude, same thoughts., If i would have been reprogrammed in that life,could have been in better position?, why am I identifying my self with problems  so much?, Why would I get irritant with some particular person? why would i say to myself am encircled with so many unresolved challenges ? such questions flowed in mind. Answer is in the programmed of our subconscious mind, the same hard disk with different case cover isn't it?,  is it not simply self explaining that the program written there were all the before past living environment got accumulated in one disk,The external up gradation might have happened without changing the program  installed in the same hard disk and ram speed, to new flat screen monitor? Which lead me to the curiosity  to know more about myself from with in? who am i?

That's where i felt its waste of time to seek solutions for my problems from books,people or from any other external source, when the trouble is in my mind why am trying to find solutions outside? Why I shouldn't probe my mind?, and seek solution, after an year am fully confirmed that there are lots of program installed including so many viruses, which has to be removed to take a leap in the life. All my mentor words started revealing in itself.Strive to make better tomorrow than today.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sacred teaching on marriage...

Teaching on Marriage
Based on

      It is good for a man not to touch a woman. But because of immoralities(fornification), each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. But this I say by way of concession, not of command. Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that.

But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife should not leave her husband (but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband should not divorce his wife.

But to the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her. And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not send her husband away. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace. For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?

Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk. , but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. Each man must remain in that condition in which he was called.
Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that.. . Brethren, each one is to remain with God in that condition in which he was called.

But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and his interests are divided. The woman who is unmarried, and the virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but one who is married is concerned about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.
A wife is bound as long as her husband lives; but if her husband is dead, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. But in my opinion she is happier if she remains as she is; and I think that I also have the Spirit of God.
Let thy fountain be blessed:
and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe;
let her breasts satisfy thee at all times;
and be thou ravished always with her love. proverbs 5:18-19

Lawful marriage is a means God has appointed to keep from these destructive vices. But we are not properly united, except as we attend to God's word, seeking his direction and blessing, and acting with affection. Ever remember, that though secret sins may escape the eyes of our fellow-creatures, yet a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, who not only sees, but ponders all his goings. Those who are so foolish as to choose the way of sin, are justly left of God to themselves, to go on in the way to destruction.Matthew Henry's concise commentary on bible

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Proverbs that inspires - Part 2

    1. From nothing you become sad, from nothing you become happpy, you are burning in the flame, but I will not let you out until you are fully BAKED, fully WISE, fully YOURSELF.-RUMI.                                                                                                                                
    2. We may struggle to make peace with ourselves. We may experience tiredness or confusion. We may suffer without understanding, the roots of suffering, without knowing how to let it go, how to let it die its own natural death, why this is so? because the mind looks for safety and often, its first recourse is to try to distract itself- to forget. Its second is to rationalise poor conduct.we do this out of habit without awareness or understanding. - Ajahn Sundara.
    3. Donot pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men!. Donot pray for tasks equal to your powers.Pray for power equal to your tasks. - Phillips Brooks.
    4. Real love is a pilgrimage. It happens when there is no strategy. But its very rare because most people are strategists. - Anita Brookner.
    5. Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervantly believe and upon which we must vigourously act.There is no other route to success. - Stephen A Brennan.
    6. Our identification with suffering is very strong - we get sucked in to it and its really hard to pull ourselves out. We might think that as we practise the mind should really come together and be more peaceful, but thats not always the case.- Unknown.
    7. Patience is the art of finding something else to do. - GROUCHO MARK.
    8. Each soul is potentially divine. The goal of life is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external ( through physical sciences, technology and socio-political processes) and internal ( through ethical, aesthetic and religious procedure.
      Do this either by work or worship or psychic control or philosophy - by one or more or all of these and be free. This is the whole of religion.Doctrines or domas or rituals or books or temples or forms are but secondary details. - Swami Vivekananda.
    9. I cant give you the formula for success. But I can give you the formula for failure which is try to please everybody. - Herbert Bayard Swope.
    10. You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself and that person is not found to be found anywhere.You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.- Unknown
    11. Being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have decided to look beyound the imperfections. - Unknown.
    12. Everyone think of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Leo Tolstoy.
    13. There is magic in long distance friendships.They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is more profound. - Diana Cortes.
    14. A friend is someone who understands your past believes in future, accepts you the way you are.- Unknown.
    15. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results. - Willie Nelson.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Story of ku ku-ki ki kiii..!!!

Story of ku ku-ki ki kiii..!!!

Since last one month i was having strange experience of encountering my ownself, before  to this month i have been very excited for having revelation of inner silence, but as soon as i was getting to know more about inner voice i started to Preach, No wonder and but its obvious that as we get  to know some thing beautiful we  start toshare things with the nearest and the dearest persons, without knowing wheather they are interested or not.
The more i was sharing to the more people,the more they were skipping away from me, i wasn't aware what was goinig on, finally it came infront me, in a form like this- All of sudden one of my close friend stopped talking to me, , i was wonder struck, what could be the reason, when i asked him, he simply avoided me and said offcourse you are not the reason nor it is related abiout you ,some other bothering him. Wel,l understood some thing went wrong with me only, I was investigating myself, finally it was my sister who gave me another jerk when she said "asking you a question means i have to spare 15 minutes for the answer..!!! , what was that, I thought how can she say like that?,Am doinig only good,I started to think  myself,observing more into me where I was doing wrong, why  am losing my close people like this. After all what I was doing to them, just share nice  good thoughts whats wrong in it?, which would highly useful to them obviously, what could be the reason?, With Mentors grace, today I got the answer when I was reading book , How i raised myself from failure to success in selling, by Frank bettger,

 There was a line written , which was an eye opener it says "Over talking is one of the worst of all social faults, if you have it, even your best friend wont tell you, but he will dodge you". Oh! my goodness, as i read this line the lightening wisdom struck to me. At once i understood what is over talking i was doing, i might have lost so many friends due to this quality and how my close people dodging me.They don't have any intention of leaveing me but they cant tell , how badly I was boring them, they may knew it very well , the things which i was sharing is the best thing, but they are not ready to take it, they have different mindset all together as of now, which i couldn't simply understood it before this incident.Then after I remembered my mentor who once shared the story of koel( cuckoo) and they bring up their their kids.

The Asian Koel is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of crows and other hosts, who raise its young. They are unusual among the cuckoos in being largely frugivorous as adults.(source wikipedia) This is well known that koyel keep their young one in the nest of crows, and both have black in colour babies so crow keep on feeding all the babies a like. but interesting thing is the koel keep little distance from the nest and circle it and sing beautiful voice kuu kuuu...which reaches to the baby koel which is in the nest of crow along with the crow babies. surprisingly this baby koel never opens its mouth and start singing or sharing her beautiful voice , until it grows fully and can fly on its own, If the baby open its mouth in between and said ki kiii kii, it would be the last day of her life, because the babies start alarming their mother crow cited a  strange voice among them, with  this new voice,ki kii they all are kaa ..kaaa, they would wonder from where this kii kii came from .Those koel babies who are obedient to their mother never opens their mouth, till they learn to fly on their own (incubation period).
Morale of the story ku kuu - ki ki kiiiii, is never open your mouth until your are in incubation period, Uptil it is over and you begin to take flight on your own,Be shut up!!!!, or else immature minds will throw you away, to kill you.

My mentor used to say be like koel baby listen to the voice of the guide who may be at distance but continuously he keep on teaching things to you , learn those things, till you finally learn to fly on your own, before that never open your mouth.I could not paid my ears to his word, and paid the price.

That's the mistake i have to admit and now i will learn from this mistake. so my battle begins now , I need to fight myself to over come my short coming of over talking. I wish to succeed soon.

Proverbs that inspires - Part 1

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, which expresses a truth or practical precept.
Although they are short, they convey the deep meanings when carefully read and for couple of times. Here are some proverbs that provoke the way of living and the life.

 1) Though others do wrong to one, it is best not to return the same in wrath. - Thirukural.

 2)  What kind of people cannot be put in right course of life even by force?
- the habituated rowdy, the one who is always doubtful of everything,the irreversibly pessimistic and the "ungrateful ones" -    v-17. Ratna maalika by Shankaracharya.

 3) Good and evil of this world by duality are unreal, spoken by words and exist only in mind. -        Bhagavatam XI,CH. XXII.
4) The cyclone derives its powers from a calm does a person.   - Norman vincent peale.
5) From the bitterness of disease, man learns the sweetness of health.    -Catalan proverb.
6) There are two primary choices in life - to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them.   - Denis Waitley.
7) The greatest barrier for our success is the fear of failure.    - Sven Goran Eriksson.
8) Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us.  - John mitchell.
9) Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind     - Dr.Seuss.
10) If you have any anger against a wrong doer,how is it you dont have anger against anger,as it     forcibly blocks the path to duty, wealth,love and liberation    .- Upanishad.
11) Forgive your enemies,but never forget their names    - JFK.
12) The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it   - William James.
13) You may think grass is greener on the other side,but if you take the time to water your own grass it would be just green.  - (unknown)
14) Adopt the pace of nature:her secret is patience. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
15) The sound of silence is a powerful tool that can bring balance to conditions and act as a gateway to experiencing the heart of stillness .( mentor)
16) The cows of various colours,yield the same colour milk,similarly the knoweldge( of the self)is seen as the milk.The various books, methods,dogmas are various colours of cow.-Upanishad.
17) If you take teh responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.-Les brown.
18) Focus on one thought or object at a time. By doing this,we can be quiet and attain true peace of mind. (unknown )
19) The mind has been classified in to two as the pure mind and the impure one.That which is always involved in some desire is the impure one.The other,which doesnt indulge in desire at all,is the pure one . - Upanishad.
20) To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;not only plan;but also believe - Anatole France.
21) When you say that you agree with a thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.  - Ottovon Bismarck.
22) Just remember, theres a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way.  - MASH, Colonel Poher.
23) Put your positive thoughts honestly and untiringly in to actions and you dont have to strive for the success, you will be inundated by it.   -(unknown)
24) The level of consciousness is like a radio station,you and me how we are able to see because of consciousness, once that level is increased or decreased,we can encounter other conscious people.     -(unknown)
25)  I love life because what more is there?    - Anthony hopkins.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let it be one more time.....

मेरी मित्र को पत्र .............

 I know you are feeling restless, like life is   not on your side
Its weighting heavy on your mind...

 क्यूं कहते हो मेरे साथ कुछ भी बेहतर नही होता
सच ये है के जैसा चाहो वैसा नही होता
कोई सह लेता है कोई कह लेता है क्यूँकी ग़म कभी ज़िंदगी से बढ़ कर नही होता,
आज अपनो ने ही सीखा दिया हमे
यहाँ ठोकर देने वाला ग़ैर पत्थर नही होता
क्यूं ज़िंदगी की मुश्क़िलो से हारे बैठे हो
इसके बिना कोई मंज़िल, कोई सफ़र नही होता
कोई तेरे साथ नही है तो भी ग़म  ना कर
ख़ुद से बढ़ कर कोई दुनिया में हमसफ़र नही होता....(अग्यात )

एक लड़ाकू बनों ..!!! सरी  मुश्किलों के बावजूद ...एक कदम और बढ़ो अपनी मंजिल की और !!! तुम कर सकती हो , बस पहले अपना मकसद तो बनाओ  अपना .

 मiने हो मंजिल तो रास्ता न छोड़ना,
जो मन में हो वो ख्वाब न तोड़ना,
हर कदम पे मिलेगी कामयाबी तुम्हे,
बस सितारों को छूने के लिए,
कभी ज़मी न छोड़ना.....(अज्ञात )

एक कदम और बढाओ अपनों को पहचानने में , अपने अन्दर निवेश करना है येही मंजिल है और मक्संद भी.
अपने मकान को दूसरो के मोहल्लेमे क्यों ढूढ़ थे हो ,    जा  रा अपना सर झुखाके तो देख वही पायेगा सब कुछ।
अपनी  सार्री नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को सकारात्मक   बदल दो ,अपने सौच की  वातावरण  को बदल डालो पहले एक सकारात्मक  सौच की और .हाँ मैं   जनता  हूँ की  तुम कहोगी की मुझे पहले से  पता है।

एक बार और  ही सही , एक बार और प्रयत्न करो   अपने को ऊर्जावान बनाने के लिए और अपने को प्रसन्नचित  बनाने के लिए।अपनी पुरानी  सौच को पूरी तरहसे  बदल डालो ,
पर सच्ची  कुशी तभी आएगी जब तुम्हारे अन्दर दया का गुण आएगा सब प्राणियों के प्रति , सब के साथ सामान व्यवहार करना पड़ेगा .   सारी दुनिया को अपनी ही जगह स्तिथ रहने दो बस  तुम एक और कदम अपनी मजिल की और बदो , अपने पथ पर !!!!

लहरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।
नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है।
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है।
आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।
डुबकियां सिंधु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा जा कर खाली हाथ लौटकर आता है।
मिलते नहीं सहज ही मोती गहरे पानी में,
बढ़ता दुगना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में।
मुट्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।
असफलता एक चुनौती है, इसे स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गई, देखो और सुधार करो।
जब तक न सफल हो, नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्ष का मैदान छोड़ कर मत भागो तुम।
कुछ किये बिना ही जय जय कार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।
-हरिवंशराय बच्चन

दिल न देना न दिल लेना, न वहमें दिल सिताँ रखना ।।
अगर है तर्क कर दो, तर्क का भी तर्क बेशुब्ह
मकां जब छुट गया फिर क्यों खयाले लामकां रखना

 जब तक तुम्हारा शरीर है तुम साधन करके शब्द और प्रकाश में रह सकते हो. मगर जब तक शरीर है , 24 घंटे वहाँ नहीं रह सकते. मैं भी नहीं रहता. कोई भी नहीं रहा.
इसलए डरो  नहीं , हाँ कभी कभी डूब जाते है चिन्ताओ में पर हम उठाना भी जान ते है,ये ही क्रम जारी रखो जब तक हुम जीत हासिल नहीं कर लेते है .
आगे बढ़ो , अपना  एक कदम मजिल की  और .!!!

 कबीर दस जी  कहते है

सखिया वा घर सबसे न्यारा, जहं पूरन पुरुष हमारा ।। टेक ।।

जहं नहिं सुख दुख सांच झूठ नहिं, पाप न पुन्न पसारा ।

नहिं दिन रैन चन्द नहिं सूरज, बिना जोति उजियारा ।। 1 ।।

नहिं तहं ज्ञान ध्यान नहिं जप तप, वेद कितेब न बानी ।।

करनी धरनी रहनी गहनी, ये सब उहां हिरानी ।। 2 ।।

धर नहिं अधर न बाहर भीतर, पिंड ब्रह्मंड कछु नाहीं ।

पांच तत्त्व गुन तीन नहीं तहं, साखी सब्द न ताहीं ।।3 ।।

मूल न फूल बेलि नहिं बीजा, बिना वृक्ष फल सोहै ।

ओअं सोहं अर्ध उर्ध नहिं, स्वासा लेख न कोहै।।4 ।।

नहिं निर्गुन नहिं सर्गुन भाई, नहिं सूक्षम अस्थूलं ।

नहिं अक्षर नहिं अवगत भाई, ये सब जग के भूलं ।। 5 ।।

जहाँ पुरुष तहवां कुछ नाहीं, कहै कबीर हम जाना ।

हमरी सैन लखै जो कोई, पावै पद निरवाना ।।6 ।।

मे नहीं कहता की तुम्हारा दुःख दुःख नहीं है , तुम्हारी परेशानी को नज़र अंदाज़ नहीं करता, पर  अभी  यह कहता हूं  , की इन सब से ऊपर उठो ,येही सब दुनिया नहीं है, शायद यह तुम को लगता होगा की  सब कुछ छो ढ़ ना  पढ़ेगा , तो क्या करलेंगे पकडे रख कर , तोह क्या यह पकड़े रखने की लड़ायी है?
हाँ शायद अपने  नहीं सम्झेंगे  सम्झंगे तब तक तो येही दुनिया है,
अपने अनदेखे पहलुओ को उजागर करो जो बहूत  सारी  है।
जो कोई अच्छाई में रहता है और नित नए संरचना करता है, क्या यह एक अद्भुत कार्य नहीं?
अपने और अपने  अच्छे  गुणों  पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करो , क्यों की तुम एक अच्छे  घर के हो , कोई भी तुम्हारा  बाल भी बांका नहीं कर सकता .
बस गुरु (इश्वर )और अपने विश्वास पे विश्वास  मत  छोड़ना

 विजायी  भव :

Monday, May 14, 2012

Negative thoughts- are now known to be at the root of all our ills on this planet

This is wonderful article read today written by Mr BM Hegde

(Professor Dr BM Hegde, a Padma Bhushan awardee in 2010, is an MD, PhD, FRCP (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Dublin), FACC and FAMS. He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes, chairman of the State Health Society's Expert Committee, Govt of Bihar, Patna. He is former vice-chancellor of Manipal University at Mangalore and former professor for Cardiology of the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London. )

Daily cleansing for the mindProf BM Hegde

"Success isn't about money or fame. Success is living a life you feel proud of"

All of us take bath daily, may be even twice daily, to get rid of the dirt, grime, germs and all the unwanted things from our body's outer surface to keep ourselves healthy. However, we never try and cleanse the mind, which harbours more deadly poisons that could destroy us very easily. Most of us wonder as to where the human mind is, knowing full well that we can not see the mind as we see our hands or feet. The mind is an integral part of the body and resides in every cell in the subatomic quantum level. This quantum concept of the mind explains many of the intricacies of the mind that were hitherto a mystery and did not come under scientific scrutiny. With the advances in quantum physics, the realisation that the mind (consciousness) is the one which observes everything, even in the most complicated scientific experiments. The "Schrodinger's Cat Hypothesis" and "Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle" have brought to fore the importance of the observer. Each and every experiment depends on the eye of the beholder. No physicist has seen the Lepto-Quark, the last bit of the atomic split, although most have felt its impact.

Mind only feels what the external sensory organs see and observe. Human body has between 50-100 trillion individual cells, each of which has its mind at the cell wall with the antennae ready to receive signals from the universal consciousness (universal mind). The cells in different organs might look different but work identically, each one capable of all functions that a human being is capable of. These human cells, which lived independently for millions of years, came together for economic reasons. It makes good sense to come together and assign special jobs to groups of cells (organs). While every human cell loves another cell in the body, these body cells also love other living creatures' cells.

The mind, thus defined, is the source of all our thoughts that, in turn, direct all our actions. Actions and reactions being equal and opposite, our actions beget their consequences; good as well as bad. There are basically two kinds of thoughts-positive and negative. While the former help the growth and development of the organism, the latter, the
negative thoughts, are now known to be at the root of all our ills on this planet, beginning with the simple common cold to the deadly heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer, the all pervasive destroyer!
Study after study of the risk factor hypotheses has revealed the vital role played by negative destructive emotions on the major killers. The Johns Hopkins' student study, the London White Hall study, and the Scandinavian study of men with heart attacks showed the major role played by frustration, hostility and depression in this disease. Similarly depression, with or without treatment, came up as the single most dangerous predisposing factor for growth and maintenance of cancers, with anger as the leading cause of stroke! The simple summary is that it is not what one eats that kills him, but it is what eats one that kills him.

Having thus made sure that it is the mind with negative thoughts that is at the root of all human ills, let us try to find out the source of those negative thoughts and the way they could be cleansed from the mind. Man is born with only two basic instincts-the instinct of self-preservation and that of procreation. The rest of our instincts are acquired after birth. The innocent God-like child has a mind full of universal compassion and love along with the other two necessary basic traits mentioned earlier.

All the negative emotions are fed into our minds after we come into existence. In the name of civilisation our environment makes an effort to inject all these negative feelings, basically related to the monetary economy that we inherited in the last few hundred years. Our ancestors that lived in the forests for thousands of years were innocent people without any of these negative thoughts but could have been physically more cruel when in danger. Emerson was not wrong when he said, "if mankind would have an end it would be as a result of our present civilisation." Today man's greatest enemy is man himself!

The basis of monetary economy is competition. Competing with others is mediocrity, but competing with oneself is excellence. The present society has evolved to respect money and power, thus making man hate another of his species, even when not in danger, leading to unhealthy competition. In a quest for achievement we drive our younger generation into the bottomless pit of hatred. Our educational system does not inculcate values in the young mind. Spiritual quotient is as important as the intelligent quotient and emotional quotient in education but the first and the last are totally missing in the present system. When the negative feelings have taken root firmly, even if one realises the mistake, it takes a long time to flush ones mind of those devils.

For the future generation at least the educational system, for children below the age of fifteen, should avoid competitive ethos. For all of us who have been brought up in the existing system, a different approach needs to be thought of. How do we cleanse our mind of the poison already inside? Spirituality (not religion, lest it should be misinterpreted by vested interests) has many antidotes for the negative feelings in the mind. Spirituality is simply sharing and caring. There are enough scientific studies available today to show how this seemingly simple method could have such profound changes on the human mind. 'Yogic' breathing techniques that use abdominal breathing (belly breathing) methods in place of the inadequate upper chest breathing used by most of us in this busy world, caught in the day-to-day rat race, would make a world of difference.

The method of belly breathing brings on basically two changes inside the system. The first is that it reduces the rate of breathing. This in itself improves tissue oxygenation, reduces heart rate, decreases aortic pressure (thereby blood pressure) and also reduces the pressure in the pulmonary artery taking blood out of the right heart to the lungs. While aorta takes blood out of the left heart, the pulmonary artery does the same to the right heart. Both sides, thus, get relieved of their extra load to that extent. This has been shown even to help patients with advanced heart failure.

The second change happens in the amount of lung tissue that is available for air exchange in the lungs when one takes a deep slow breath using the abdomen. In this method when one draws air inside the lungs, the diaphragm moves so far down into the abdomen pushing the anterior abdominal wall forwards. The lungs now distend fully and oxygenate the blood many times better than in the shallow breathing of anxiety and stressful living. Although this effort, twice a day for as short as fifteen minutes, does a world of difference to our well being by soothing the nerves reducing negative thoughts, making a habit of using belly breathing routinely is a great help! The body's wisdom, in those of us using shallow breathing, compensates the loss of oxygenation by increasing the functioning of the heart to pump that much more blood every minute to make up for the loss of lost lung area. This latter is the cause of all misery. Shallow breathing, therefore, increases heart rate and blood pressure to make one feel tired easily. This is like burning our life unnecessarily.

Inadequate oxygenation of the brain added to the above sequence leads to perpetuation of negative thoughts. One small example would suffice. When you are very angry ask someone to watch your breathing and ask them to remind you to belly breathe for a while. If you did that you would be surprised to see how quickly you get rid of the hatred that brought on the anger in the first place. Many a time you wonder why you became angry at all. Anger and danger are but just one letter (D) apart. Anger and happiness are but a few belly breaths away.

Regular breathing exercise added to a session of shavasana for ten minutes makes you very tranquil and could bring on good sleep as a bonus. Philosophic outlook in life with the awareness of the insignificance of the human organism in the working of the macrocosm would make one humble, reducing pride and jealousy that eat into our minds. Hostility is our biggest enemy. The above simple methods help get rid of all the dangerous negative thoughts

Regular physical exercise, especially outdoor walking, enjoying the bounties of nature en route would add to the perks. Diet enriched with fruits and vegetables could be an added bonus. Small regular meals four to five times a day help keep the internal environment within the limits of healthy fluctuations of the multifarious functions of the body.

Mind could never be forced to do anything but could be indirectly taught to be tranquil through regular breathing exercises and following certain simple rules of the game. Man lives for others. Helping others is the rent one pays for the comforts one enjoys in society. Molecular biology has taught us that even the thought of helping others brings on favourable changes in the cells of the immune system to prevent diseases! Praying for others is very effective as shown by a couple of well-controlled prospective studies done in the US. In addition, praying for others helps one to see life in a better perspective. It gives purpose to life and makes life worth living, avoiding depression. The latter is the greatest epidemic of the West these days. Breathe away to happiness and glory! Bath for the mind consists in daily replacing our negative thoughts like hatred greedy, jealousy, anger and pride with positive thoughts like compassion, camaraderie, co-operation, empathy, and enthusiasm to work and love.

"Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot"-Thomas Moore, Irish writer

All credit goes to the writer, You can also read the original article published in moneylife magzine,  link is here:  cleansing-for-the-mind


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Meanings of some Important sanskrit words - 1

Meanings of some Important Sanskrit words  in English, Though it is difficult to find the exact meanings of so many words, to the know the meanings one has to understand sometimes full Hindu philosophy, to get the exact meaning. I have compiled the meanings from various sources all the credit goes to the original translators.
Abhayam: Fearlessness

Sattva samsuddhi: Purity of Mind

Damh: Control of Senses

Yajnam: Performance of Sacrifice

Danam: Charity

Svadhyayam: Study of texts for ‘Self-realisation’

Tapas: Austerity

Aarjavam: Straightforwardness

Ahimsa: Nonviolence

Satyam: Truthfulness

Akrodham: Absence of anger

Thyagam: Renunciation

Shanti: Tranquillity

Apaishunam: Aversion to faultfinding

Daya: Compassion

Mardavam: Modesty

Hri: Shame in doing unrighteous deeds

Achapalam: Absence of craving

Tejas: Vigour

Kshama: Forgiveness

Dhriti: Fortitude

Soucham: Cleanliness

Adroham: Freedom from envy

Natimanita: Absence of self esteem

Jnanayogavyavasthitam: Practise of Yoga for Self-realisation

Bhuteshvaloluptvam: Freedom from covetousness

The ‘demonic’ qualities one should aim to get rid of are:

Dhamba: Pride

Darpa: Arrogance

Abhimanam: Conceit

Krodha: Anger

Parushyam: Sternness

Ajnanam: Ignorance

I will try to find more words, which are very useful to understand the meaning rather to go for literal meaning one should understand the the emotion or being of would certainly help to understand, more than any one else , i myself learn first.

Hari om tat sat

Invest in yourself - are we ready?

Invest in yourself? where else you want to invest if not in you? invest in the house you may answer,or invest in money making instruments you may say, invest in children,investing in fame, recognising , money , property children, empire, business estates, what ever we invest where ever we invest these are all things are  temporal things, they wont go with us some may argue. True we have all perceptions available, but why this thought arise to invest in yourself, just because what ever we do, where ever we go, which ever be the position, its the MIND, without the mind nothing can be achieved, neither the other worldly things nor this world the presence of this mind is there, Every where what ever may be the form, but its MIND
Gautama Buddha says" MY mind is myself". If we care fully observe our thought process form morning to evening we can know what we are thinking, we are made up of mind which is thinking constantly that most simple observation, in fact we live in mind most of the time isn't it? we sleep, we eat, do work, we have desires, cravings, we have feelings of every emotion. which happens through the mind. we have strength as well as weakness its all in the mind. If at all we want to achieve happiness, a bliss, we need to invest in it, we cant achieve success without getting rid of weakness of our mind nor with the dirt been accumulated down below.
Gautama Buddha says" Neither your father nor your mother,your friend or relative can help you except your Well directed Mind".
Swami Vivekananda ji says Mind is an instrument in the hand of the Atman just as the body is an instrument in the hand of mind. All change begins and ends in time. Principles exist, we don't create them we only discover them.Control the lake of your own mind, else you cannot understand the lake of another mind.
He who struggles is better than he who never attempts.

Watch your thoughts;
they become words. Watch your words
they become actions. Watch your actions;
they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” - .................... Unknown

so by mere observation we can probe ourselves with lots of strengths and weaknesses in the Mind, often when i ask people to tell about their Strong points, they become dumb, or some people say couple of their strengths, we all like this.even when asked about this question, i have realised that to every ones mind all the weakness and negative points flashing one by one , one after another, we are trying to figure it out for the strength, and we shut our mouth saying am not able to find it out.
Why this happens, we are more inclined towards the negative side of our being? , it is taking lots of efforts to even think towards positive side, consume lots of energy and finally we give up saying we don't know, we feel uncomfortable, restless.
lets see what psychologists say about this:
Back in 1960 Maxwell Maltz wrote the book Psycho-Cybernetics where he talks about the self-image we form growing up:
We all carry with us a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves. It has been built up from our own beliefs about ourselves. But most of these beliefs about ourselves have unconsciously been formed from our past experience, our successes and failures, our humiliations, our triumphs, and the way other people have related to us, especially in early childhood. From all these we mentally construct a "self" (or a picture of a self). Once an idea or a belief about ourselves goes into this picture it becomes "true" as far as we personally are concerned. We do not question its validity, but proceed to act upon it just as if it were true.
The way you perceive and interpret yourself is a result of the belief system you adopted while growing up.

Maltz goes on to say that all our actions, feelings, behaviour - even our abilities - are always consistent with this self-image. Hence it becomes very important to change your self-image if that image is one of a limiting character of some sort. You can change your self-image with the power of thought using affirmations and subliminal messages.

There is another writer name John Assaraf  in his book The answer he explains and also talks about how powerful our built in beliefs are. He explains that they are powerful in the sense that they dictate our ability to reach our goals, but in fact they are nothing more than specific neural patterns in your brain - they are thoughts that are so ingrained they have become automatic. They are not there because they are "the truth", they have simply been handed down from generation to generation. They are there because someone put them there.
He goes on to say that this is not a about faith or religion - it is about your beliefs- your habits of thought, opinion and attitude about the world around you, and especially your beliefs about you, about your life and your prospects for financial fulfilment.

By the time you are seventeen years old, you have heard "No, you can't" an average of 150,000 times. You've heard "Yes, you can" about 5,000 times. That is thirty nos for every yes. That makes a POWERFUL belief of "I can't". These beliefs are thousands of times stronger than desires. So if you desire something like a new house or getting a new job it will not happen if your beliefs are "I can't". The beliefs win every time.
Assaraf explains it like this:
It is your habit of thought ( your beliefs), not your desires that run your actions.96-98 percent of all your behaviours are automatic. This is why we set goals, but don't reach them. Setting them is a function of the conscious mind. Reaching them is a function of the non-conscious mind.

Bruce Lipton - power of the sub-conscious mind
In January 2011 a new video featuring prof. in biology Bruce Lipton was released. In this video he explains the power of our subconscious mind and our belief system. He also talks about the difference between Quantum Physics and Newtonian Physics. It is worth seeing.

What these modern scientist are telling now haven been repeatedly told by our ancestor- Vedas, maharishis, and  saints since ages, its nothing new for us, It is available in our belief system every thing could be changed with the attitude, in fact our ancient people have achieved so much advanced science.

Ishavaasya Upanishad says

meaning: Aum, That Brahman is infinite, and This brahman is infinite. The infinite evolves from the infinite. Even if you take the infinite (conditioned brahman) from the infinite, the infinite (unconditioned Brahman) still remains!
Origin of the Purnamadah Mantra

Om ! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.
The infinite proceeds from the infinite.
(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),
It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.
Om ! Peace ! Peace ! Peace
This is the baisis of Matrix theory what these people are telling now also called as M theory, Its our bad that we look west for modernness and civilisation. However By understanding how we can make and break habit you can start to break out of old habits by forming new ones. The power of thought when used to improve your self-image is extra-ordinary.If you don't break out of your current belief system it will stick with you for the rest of your life. You need to find a way to change it. AND you CAN.
The sum total of the mind is the resultant of what environment we been before, its clings to that way automatically, don't we call it karma? what these people are saying about genes how we get the genes? is it not the karmaphlam? well i will not get into more now as our subject is to invest  in our self.

Bhagvad gita explains the mind in the verse 6:34

canchalam hi manah kirsna
pramathi balavad dradham
tasyaham nigraham manye
means :For the mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Krsna, and to subdue it is, it seems to me, more difficult than controlling the wind.
Everyone can understand that the mind is restless and fickle by the proof of observing ones own mind. The mind is turbulent in its actions and tenacious in its selections. It is extremely difficult to control because it is strongly bound to desire for habituated sense gratification. It is also powerful and hard to withdraw once it is out in pursuit of desired sense objects. Considering all these things Arjuna expresses to Lord Krishna that trying to control the mind is like trying to control the wind. Thus explains the Kesava Kashmiri.

what we understand here is that the mind is 1) restless,2) turbulent, 3)obstinate and4) very strong,

What we know about our own mind is like this   A pond with clear water on top
Swami Vivekananda says our subconscious mind is like a pond filled with sludge at bottom and clear water on the top, If we through a stone in the water a small dirt comes on the top,by which we know the bottom is dirty. the conscious mind is very clear and positive but its the subconscious mind which rules cos 90% of our mind is under water like ice berg. Until we do some thing and cut our perceptions our old belief which is formed by our previous environment we cant change our tendency, those habits of thinking which are automatic most of time they will continue to lead and haunt us create disharmony make us uncompetitive,can there be permanent transformation ever?No it can it be its very rare and very tough thing, But yes if we  could change our mind through intellect, a discriminatory power (viveka)to see the truth in truth and untruth in untruth.
Mind is in several layers and it transforms into one being to another .Every thing gets clear once this mind settle down fully to until still point is fully and fairly reach down.The nature of its flickering goes off and this psychic being(purusha antaratma) appear before us.
Sri aurobindo says- The psychic part of us is something that comes direct from divined and is in touch with the divine. in its origin  it is the nucleus pregnant with divine possibilities that support this lower triple manifestation of mind, life and body.There is this divine element in all living beings, but it stands hidden behind the ordinary consciousness.It grows in the consciousness by God ward experience, gaining strength every time there is higher movement in us and finally by the accumulation of these deeper and higher movements there is developed. psychic individuality-that we called usually the psychic being.
is it difficult to understand? yes may be cos we are not known to our inner being yet, or never experienced these things.
Gita says in easy way how we can transform ourselves .sri-bhagavan uvaca

asamsayam maha-baho
mano durnigraham calam
abhyasena tu kaunteya
vairagyena ca grhyate............6:35
meaning The Blessed Lord said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by constant practise and by detachment(Renunciation)
so with the renunciation and by practise this could we re write our past programmes into new one or rather desire less happy state, we need to reach a state which is called disirelessness.
To reach that state we need to austerity(tapas) see srimad bhagvad gita 17:16

manah-prasadah saumyatvam
maunam atma-vinigrahah
bhava-samsuddhir ity etat
tapo manasam ucyate.
meaning:  And 1)serenity, 2)simplicity, 3)gravity, 4)self-control and 5)purity of thought are the austerities of the mind.

hence by applying with these methods can achieve the still point of the mind,but where to begin with gita 17:15
anudvega-karam vakyam
satyam priya-hitam ca yat
svadhyayabhyasanam caiva
van-mayam tapa ucyate
meaning: Austerity of speech consists in speaking truthfully and beneficially and in avoiding speech that offends. other person.One should also do swa-adhyaa(satsanga) regularly.
saint kabirdas ji says
kabir pancho soorma, jo koi rakhe choor
jinke yeh bas me nahi, inse satguru rahte door.
Final word
Srimad bhagvad gita says in 11.55
mat-karma-krn mat-paramo
mad-bhaktah sanga-varjitah
nirvairah sarva-bhutesu
yah sa mam eti pandava
Meaning: My dear Arjuna, one who is engaged in My pure devotional service, free from the contamination's of previous activities and from mental speculation, who is friendly to every living entity, certainly comes to Me.
commentary by kesava kashmiri
Thus it has been revealed by Lord Krishna that only His devotee who renders unalloyed bhakti or loving devotion exclusively is qualified to behold Him, know Him, associate with Him and enter into communion with Him and no other. The Supreme Lord has explained what actions one must have with mat- karma-krt or dedicating ones actions to Him. What goal one must have with mat-paramo or making Him the ultimate attainment and the way one must act with mat-bhaktah or renders loving devotion to Him. One who studies the Vedas to learn about the Supreme Lord and propitiate Him for His sake, depending upon Him only as the sole goal of attainment and not heaven, wives, wealth, descendants and legacy. One who is truly devoted to Lord  spends their time reflecting and contemplating upon His glories.
At this point, one may interject but what about my family and dependents? They must be fed and clothed and provided for. This is the duty of a civilised human in any society. The answer again is mat-karma krt dedicate ones actions to the Supreme Lord. This means that by performing all actions for the Supreme Lord they are done without attachment. So other then His devotees no one is able to be without attachment to actions, which is essential along with being free from malice and enmity towards any living entity.
So happily start investing in oneself. Right now.!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eat bitter fruit and hop.....swami vivekananda - 2

Tue,July 30th,1895,
The reason of the harmony between thought and matter is that they are two sides of  one thing,  call it X, which divides itself into, internal and the external.
The English word" Paradise" comes from the sanskrit Para-desa, which was taken over into Persian language and means literally" The land beyond", or the other world. The old Aryans always believed in a Soul; never that mean was the body,Their heavens and hells were all temporary, because no effect can outlast its cause and no cause is external; therefore all effects must come to an end.
The whole of the Vedanta Philosophy is in this story; Two birds of Golden plumage sat on the same tree.The one above, serene, majestic, immersed in his own glory; the below was restless and eating the fruits of the tree, how sweet, how bitter, Once he ate exceptionally bitter fruit, then he paused and look up at the majestic bird above;But he soon forget about the other bird and went on eating the fruits of the tree as before. Again he ate a bitter fruit and this time he hopped up few boughs nearer to the bird at the top.This happened many times until at last the lower bird came to the place that there  had never been two birds , but that he was all the time that upper bird, serene, majestic and immersed in his own glory.

Friday, Aug 2nd 1895
Nistha(devotion to one ideal) is the beginning of realisation" Take the honey out of all flowers" sit and be friendly with all, pay reverence at all, say to all" yes  brother, yes brother but keep firm in your own way", A higher stage is actually to take the position of the other. If i am all, why can i not really and actively sympathise with my brother and see with his eyes? while I am weak, I must stick to one course(Nistha), but when I am strong, I can feel with every other and perfectly sympathise with his ideas.
The old idea was;"Develop on idea at the expense of all the rest" .A third way is to "develop the mind and control it", then put it where you will; the result will come quickly.This is developing yourself in the truest way. Learn concentration and use it in any direction. Thus you lose nothing. He who get the whole must have the parts too.Dualism is included in Adviatism(monism)
"I first saw him and he saw me"
there was a flash of eye from me to him and from him to me
This went on until the two souls became so closely united that they actually become one.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It is imposible to find God outside of swami Vivekananda-1

While driving in the day time Swami vivekananda knocked the door of my thought, As soon as, when i returned  home in the evening , I got busy to find an old book of Swami ji, though i never read it fully, but when ever mind waver i read it random chapters, Swamiji was the one who poked my mind with lots of questions, besides my mentor 12 years back.still inspires to awake! arise!! and know the truth. when   turning the pages I got stoped on this chapter ;called inspired by  I reproduced a talk which was given by him on -

Sat ,July 20 1895,

Perception is our only real knowledge or religion.Talking about it for ages will never makes us know our real soul. There is no differance between theories and atheism. In fact the atheist is the true man. Every step I take in the light is mine for ever. When you  go to a country and see it, Then it is yours.We have each to see ourselves.Teachers can only" bring the food" we must eat it to be nourished. Argument can never prove God save as a logical conclusion.

     It is imposible to find God outside of ourselves. Our own souls contribute all the divinity that is outside of us. We are the greatest temple. The objectification is only a faint imitation of what we see within ourselves.

Concentration of the powers of the mind is our only instrumental to help us see God. If you know one soul (your own) .you know all souls, past, present and to come.The will concentrates the mind; certain things excite and control this will, such as reason, love, devotion, breathing. The concentrated mind is a Lamp that shows us every corner of the soul.

No one method can suit all. These different methods are not steps necessary to be taken one after another, cermonials are the lowest  form; next God external and after that God internal. In some cases gradation may be needed, but in many only one way is required.It would be the height of folly to say to every one."you must pass through karma and bhakti before you can reach jnana"
stick to your reason untill you reach something higher and you will know it to be higher because it will not jar with reason.

The stage beyond consciousness is inspiration(samadhi) but never mistake hysterical trances for the real thing. It is a terrrible thing to claim this inspiration falsely, to mistake instinct for inspiration. There is no external test for inspiration, we know it ourselves, our guardian against mistake is negative_The voice of reason. All religion is giving beyond reason, but reason is the only guide to get there.

Instinct is like ice, reason is the water and inspiration is the subtlest form or vapour; one follows the other, Every where is this external sequence - Unconsciousness, consciousness, intelligence_ matter,body, mind and to us it seems as if the chain began with the particular link we first lay hold of. Arguments on both sides are of equal weight and both are true. We msut reach beyond both, to where there is neither the one nor the other.There sucessions are all Maya.

Religion is above reason, supernatural. Faith is not belief, it is the group on the ultimate, an illumination, First hear, then reason and find out all that reason can give about the Atman; let the flood of reason flow over it, then take what remains. If nothing remains, Thank God, you have escaped a superstion. When you have determined that nothing can take away the Atman, that it stands every test, hold fast to this and teach it to all.Truth cannot be partial, it is for the good of all .Finally, in perfect rest and peace meditate upon it, concentrate your mind upon it make yourself one with it.

Then no speech is needed, silence will carry the truth.Do not spend your energy in talking , but meditate in silence, and do not let the rush of the outside world disturb you. When your mind is in the highest state , you are unconscious of it, Accumalate power in silence and become a dynamo of spirituality. What can a beggar give? only a king can give, and he only when he wants nothing himself.
Hold your money merely as coustodian for what is God's, have no attachment for it. let name and fame and money go, they are a terrible bondage. Feel the wonderful atmosphere of freedom. You are free, free! oh blessed am I ! Freedom am I! I am the infinite! , In my soul I can find no begening and no end. All is myself, say this unceasingly.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Forty Petals of life........

om ajnana-timirandhasya
chakshur unmilitam yena
tasmai shri-gurave namaha
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge.”
Namaste sate te jagat kaaranaaya
Namaste chite sarva lokaashrayaaya
Namo dvaita tattwaaya mukti pradaaya
Namo brahmane vyaapine shaashvataaya
Salutations to that Being, the cause of the universe! Salutations to that Consciousness, the support of all the worlds! Salutations to that One Truth without a second, which gives liberation! Salutations to that pure, eternal Brahman who pervades all regions!

Forty Petals of  life

Compilation (Flower of Life)..

1.  No matter to what depths of vice and misery you have sunk, no matter how profligate you have grown, she has not turned you out of her heart. Perhaps she loves you all the more because you are wayward. She would draw you back by the bands of a love that never dies - that's a mother's love.
2.  God is to be praised by every one through prayers; As such there is no barrier between God and Man.

3.  You may be professing religion, but I would not give much for your religion unless it gets into your life and teaches you, how to live? I would not give a snap of my finger for a religion that does not begin at home and regulate you conducts towards your parent.

4.  The God knowing man becomes free from cruel hands of death and also from the circle of re-rebirth as he knows what he worships other do not know what they worship.

5.  Happy life means to reach the height of perfection by developing total personality; one may be useful to the nation and can serve the purpose of God.

6.  This world might have given birth to a great men, but not great humanity, what it is? It is an idea consisting Forgiveness, sympathy and understanding.

7.  There are only three kinds of persons , those who serve God 1) having found him 2) other who are occupied in seeking him 3) Not having found him while reminder live without seeking him and without having found him.

8.  Love is ever green, love enters everywhere, as it is union of heart and also a communion of souls, Love is no love that alters when alteration is found.

9.  The education is not mere schooling or preparation for examination it is a process of developing the total personality of a child for its mental, physical and social growth, so that a useful citizen may render a greater service to Nation.

10.             When words come out with sweetness and joy at heart, neither disturbs the nervous system nor to any other whosoever listenth it.

11.             All of us are being descendants of one God, are worthy to praise and also worthy to worship God, irrespective of any division of society in caste and religion.

12.             If you want to have peaceful life than you better understand the fear of Lord (guru), fear of elders (parents) and stand by it out of lord’s Mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

13.             A man is educated only if he has Mobility (act), Ability (wisdom), Nobility (Assimilation of ideas-direction)

14.             One should never waste power of the voice by Doldrums.

15.             To achieve goodness you have to Forgive Men, their trespasses so that heavenly Father will also forgive you.

16.             The integration of Family could only be possible when the family members are in habit to run their family by creation a Good and healthy environment.

17.             No one ever cares the Importance of speech; unknowingly they decrease one’s immortal strength within the body, as well as the power of nervous system and often reach nearer to the death.

18.             If anybody wishes to have Salvation and blessings he must adopt the likewise nature (to bear sufferings) and worship God in spirit and in truth.

19.             Each individual an ant, bee or wasp seems to be born with its behaviour which is intrinsic that act is governed by environment. 

20.             The other worldly powers can affect you outer portion of the body and not the inward, but the hatred , jealousy and suspicion can destroy inward as well as outward.

21.             It is only the word that controls the body with in and the outer universe too.

22.             A man having no biophysical need, can only have The Right of priesthood.

23.             What is this “I”, this I does not have hands and feel, But this “I “has content, Sat sang, Beauty. The union of three is what I call “I”, union of soul and spirit.

24.             One must be a Man of thoughts not a “thoughtless man”.

25.             There is nothing that love cannot face, there is no limit of its faith, its hope and its endurance, Love will never come to an end.

26.             It is only pleasant words that give life, peace and satisfaction.

27.             To lead happy and harmonious life in this physical and material world one should try to be away from venom of hate redness.

28.             Satsang means one should have the communion with truth and truth makes him free.

29.             To build a life we need 1) sex 2) property and 3) Religion, by first we create another life, by second we protect it and by third we prosper.

30.             All human beings are having one life, one breathing power, called Pran-The self consciousness, self blessed, imperishable and immortal.

31.             Young Man and young woman! How do you treat your parents tell that, I will tell you how are going to get on in life.

32.             Loss of stamina and health, full of anxiety and worry is because of keeping oneself indulged in satisfying the vain desires.

33.             How to speak? 1) limited, let you finish your job 2) proud less 3) Righteous 4) devoid of Meanness 5) Right speech and pre-edited 6) Proficient 7) Fluent and to the point 8) Pleasant and sweet.

34.             A misdirected mind is like a Man talks about food but never eat- stay satisfied, for he will raise dust by himself and complain, I can’t see, this blindness lead to spend money and energy to waste, not on true bread.

35.             According to me the word – understands; comprises of two words, under-stand, means beneath .One should stand under Righteous man for knowledge, which leads to happy life. 
36.             One should earn daily lively hood according to ability.

37.             Young man, if your parents are still living treat them kindly, all you can to make their dwindling years sweet and happy?.

38.             A man or woman who dishonours Father and mother is ever prosperous?.

39.             Sympathy; sym- same, pathy- means treatment, give such a treatment to a man as you want to be treated by others.

40.             The integration of a Man is to be measured by their conduct not by their profession. 

  Om tat sat