Saturday, June 23, 2012




He wears cotton cloth, and enjoys simple vege- table food. He reads books quietly, and enjoys poetry. To follow the teaching of the Sages  is his delight, to see and feel the beauty of Nature his joy. Friends he has also who share with him this pure and simple pleasure in life.
From ancient times there have been men of exalted position and great wealth; yet few amongst them have enjoyed peaceful lives, for position and riches are oftentimes hindrance to peace of mind. Fortunate are they who enjoy pure happiness — their enjoyment is superior to that of the exalted. Yet many of us who are in a position to enjoy this simple happiness do not realise its blessings are at our gate. We are like men living on a treasure mountain, yet failing to find the treasure. Again, there are men who understand what pure happi- ness means, and yet are unable to enjoy it because of their extreme poverty. Thus the blessing of true happiness only falls to the few who both understand what it is and are in the position to enjoy it. A tree which has beautiful flowers never bears good fruit. He who is enjoying this great happiness must never envy others. For as soon as his heart turns towards wealth his pure happiness will depart, for Heaven and Earth with no longer permit him to enjoy its blessing.
Not only do men love and respect the man who is benevolent and merciful; but even plants seem to lean towards him in friendship. To travel through different provinces and see a variety of sceneries is to widen our knowledge and help uplift our thoughts.
In visiting strange lands where we see un- familiar mountains and rivers, where we learn from the natives many peculiar customs, climb up mountains and through rocks and heather, taste famous local products, and stand before wide seas, the pleasure we obtain is infinite, and what we have seen and heard during these delightful excursions does not pass away, but remains with us always. The memories of these pleasant joumeyings are ever with us, even in old age, and bring back the delights we experienced years before. Little wonder then we identify the word " recollection " or omoide with every kind of pleasant happening.

The word " patience' is pop u largely used the word "forgive" but the word signifies forbearance, and suppression of selfishness and  evil desires .
and keeps the heart tranquil, he can enjoy a life free from shame, distress, and misfortune. All good things spring from a patient attitude, and all evil from its reverse. There a saying that patience is the gate of the of goodness.

Sake is the beautiful gift of Heaven. Drunk in small quantities, it expands the heart, lifts the downcast spirit, drowns cares, and improves the health. Thus it helps a man and also his friends to enjoy pleasures. But he who drinks too much loses his respectability, becomes over- talkative, and utters abusive words like a madman. That is the reason why the ancients termed SakS, " the mad medicine." In youth men must not form the habit of taking strong drink. Enjoy Saki by drinking just enough to give you a slight exhilaration, and thus enjoy seeing flowers when they are only just bursting into bloom. To drink too much and spoil this great gift of Heaven is foolish.
Dancing and slow singing also assist men in forgetting their worries and cares ; the ancients therefore indulged in these pleasures. The essential quality of the Samurai is courage ; only courage must not be exhibited vainly, but should be kept within one's heart. A brave man is always gentle and kind. The great
courage," says an old proverb, "resembles cowardice." Chorio was a man of great courage, but he is said to have been as gentle as a woman. True courage is to conquer one's desires, and to perform righteous deeds wherever one sees them — a truly courageous man is always calm and happy.


  1. :)...wid the knowledge given, wd the blessings showered, it reaches..
    This blog is life's stay on the path of truth..foreva ..even if we are off track for sometime..


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