Tuesday, June 12, 2012

CHAMPIONS OF LIFE .......What they said - 2


As fire without fuel dies down on the hearth, thus do the thoughts, when all activity ceases, become quiet in their place.
For thoughts alone cause the round of births. Let a man strive to purify his thoughts. What a man thinks, that he is this the old secret.
By the serenity of this thoughts a man blots out all actions, Weather good or bad. Dwelling within his Self with serene thoughts, he obtains imperishable happiness. If the thoughts of a man were so fixed on Brahman(The supreme) as they are on the things of this world , who would not then be freed from bondage!.....................................Maitrayana Brahmana Upanisad.

Man with his passions is like the tamer of lions and bears in a menagerie. To bridle them , train them , make domestic animals, servants out of them is the business of every man. Feeling arises independently of man's will;but thought either approves or disapproves feeling and stimulates or retards it accordingly.Hence every thing depends on thought.
The see is unseen in the ground, but from it alone the huge tree grows. A thought is just as imperceptible, but from it alone grow the greatest event in human life. Al ! Human deeds, good or bad, arise from thoughts.
We often think that our life is real only when we come in contact with people. This is untrue. Our life is most real when we are by ourselves alone, absorbed in our own thought. We attain to all our best actions not by impetuous outbursts but, on the contrary by quiet inner work over our own souls. Every truth already exits in the soul of every man . only keep from deadening it with false hood and sooner or later it will revealed to you. Truth, like Gold is to be obtained not by its growth , but by washing away from it all that is not Gold. The liberation is accomplished by effort of thought....Leo Tolstoy

Thoughts build the universe......Any thing may be achieved by thought. Death, disease, poverty, humiliation, any or all of these may be over come.
The force ought always to be used in constructive forms. We ought always to devote is to what are called positive ends. We should never use it for hatred or jealousy or anger, but always in love and faith, and for the up building of something....The use of mental power for directly destructive ends has always been regarded as accused. It is what the west calls black magic, and certainly recoils upon the user in very terrible ways. A large beneficence should distinguish the man who knows the power of his own thought...
The less selfish the thing we wish for, the greater and keener will be the accumulated and multiplied power of our thought battery, Our thought must be clear and ordered. When this is done , we shall see, to our surprise, that it has become creative.---........Sri Aurobindo

You can control nothing but your own mind. Even your two year old baby may defy you by the instinctive forces of its personality. But your own mind you can control. Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. Your  own mind has the power to transmute every external phenomenon to its own purposes.
If happiness arises from cheerfulness, kindliness and rectitude ( and who will deny it?), what possible combination of circumstances is going to make you unhappy, so long as the machine remains in order?
Look within. The kingdom of Heaven is within you. 'O yes" you  protest, "all that's old Epictetus said that. Christ and that" they did. I admit it readily, Bit if you were raffled this morning because your motor omnibus broke down and you had to take a cab, then so far as you are concerned, these great teachers lived in vain...And all because you have a sort of notion that a saying said two thousand years ago cannot be practical.............human-machine-by-arnold-bennett

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