Saturday, October 13, 2012

I am student of life....

 I have found my own notes in old dairy , where I wrote so many things to implement in my life, and as usual forgotten way back in 2005 on small piece of paper.that was the day when I decided myself  to take charge of life in my own hands give  a raise to my soul in 2005, Now coincidentally  found those old diaries, revisited  points which immediately blown off my mind to make me instantly realize that why is it so important to write down our decisions on paper;as  it could be clearly seen that those points influenced my subconscious mind to influence my decisions; I may not executed each and every point yet, due to past conditioning of mind  am wondered how that decision influenced me to acquire these qualities, simply  because  of that single day decision to sit and write down what should do in my life; though many of the points am still working on, It is amazingly  reached my mind. I would like to share these points and in- principle must be same for so many people who are like me but the way we execute on us must be different from person to person. So whats is best for you decide and accquried.

Tips to make a plan to work on self, to grow and progress in our own life..
Take a pledge and begin to implement right now these points, though we may not be able to do each and every point what we wrote today but gradually we will possess every thing what is written. ,yet we need to keep on working the black spots.

1) Maintain Good health ( how by good eating habits)

2) Maintain Good spirit( how by maintaining  good speaking)

3)Good looking body ( how by good amount of exercise)

4) Maintain good mind (  how by good thinking habit)

5) To gain Financial wellness ,spiritual wellness, and good health ( how by implementing above points)

How to improve Mind well being in my view 2005.

1)  Regularly read good books

2) Regularly attend seminars relate to mind development.

3) Attend spiritual discourses, which helps to keep mind stable.

4) Surround yourself with positive people.

5) programming the mind in certain Pattern to alert yourself about our wrong doings.

How to improve our Health well being?

1) Good  easily digestible, eatable food to eat.

2) Walking 4 km daily to increase more km later on to 8 km gradually and exercise 10 min and than to increase 30 min.

3) Good sound sleep.

4) Sufficient rest.

5) Learn to listen soothing music

6) Taking good bath in the morning and before going to the bed.

7) Good breathing and maintaining the body posture correctly.

How to improve my spirit?

1) learn How to speak?

2)Also learn the knowledge of what to speak, what not..!!!

3) When to speak when not to..!!!

4) Habit of Tolerance. being non reactive.

5) Build  a proactive nature, being non reactive.

6) listening to voice of heart.

7) Developing a quality of loving naturally towards all.(develop compassion)

8) Uprooting discrimination of people by race , color or  gender etc..

9 )Meditating realities of life, to know the root cause of all problems and also the solutions

I have written so many points about Financially and socially well being which am not sharing here, so a person should always take holistic view , instead of narrow view, would lead to successful happy life.that day i have become student of life to which am still a student and in learning process.The whole life a series of experiences.

how to improve psychic being? 2012


  1. The importance of writing our goals n visiting them frequently...I came to know through u..great points in living a very beautiful and true life..I'm just living life with ought even knowing what is life and what is living..above all being a human being is a blessing..n living a true life according to the rules of human such a boon..u have given light by giving the points n taking care of each n every one..body mind the task we have to..

  2. action is important, following your own goal and mind is much more important, rather to read some else stories and getting motivated for few days and than demotivated. Follow your own heart, would certainly lead you to pleasure.
    Just reading morals good stories posted by some one else, would never lead you to real happiness,that would like viewing news on tv daily , and reacting to the news iyooo this happened that happened,and never grasping experience. it also like a parrot repeat the words of what make her to say, but parrot new know the meaning.

    1. parrot never know the meaning of those words..

  3. Only u can always know me n reach me.u say without saying.thank u..


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